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The Rush Limbaugh Show 12-Oct-11 CF mp3 48K
Audio > Other
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Rush Limbaugh talk show conservative Rush Limbaugh
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Oct 12, 2011

The Rush Limbaugh Show 12-Oct-11 CF mp3 48K

Official Podcast

Bonus - Thursday Morning Update


Thanks. Appreciative as always.
So let me get this str8...Dumbo hates Romney but endorses Cain...Now Cain thinks he can pass this 9-9-9 BS Which will never pass. Instead of looking for a commander in chief. We are looking to hire a guy to deliver pizza or be FIRED within the next four years. I hope Cain wins so I could prove you Dumboheads wrong.END
hey dickdaddy, since dummycrats believe a simple majority is sufficient and filibusters are no longer tolerable, what do you think a Cain Presidency with a majority Senate would and could do?

Oooh, the dummycrats really made a dumb chess move.

You bring a knife to political fight, be prepared to have it served to you, with a twist.
Community-Organizer-in-Chief... hehehe. Thanks WK ..Respect We Much!
Listen WillNGrace bringing up political advantages in Washington means nothing to me. I'm not in Politics you idiot! Obama has No chance of winning in 2012 and Cain will fail badly with his Super Majority that will OWN the economy. Laugh Now Cry Later.END

Why crap this up?

KUMBAYAH, trickdaddy! Go bang a bongo on Wall Street! Smoke some grass!!

Just stay out of here, OK?

THANK YOU WillKane!!!


says he who just had his ass served back to him.

Thanks for admitting you are ignorant of politics, (we knew that) the neutering door is to your left. Do the gene pool a favor.
Thank you WillKane!!!
As always, thanks kindly willkane! was *so* nice and quiet here for a while...
AssholeVenture, make me stay out of here; Inernet tough guy. WillNGrace who had their ass served to them? Oh you meant that nonsense about the nuclear option. Does anybody really care? Is that all you have? Jho would have came at me harder than you. You don't knew me but you soon will. I Bury cockroaches like you. Let the War begin.END
"You don't knew me but you soon will. I Bury cockroaches like you."

I am sure you and the English language are strangers too, and I am sure you know cockroaches... intimately. Filth and perversion seems to be your middle names.
"I am sure you and the English language are strangers too, and I am sure you know cockroaches... intimately. Filth and perversion seems to be your middle names." said WillNGrace...Unlike you lazy Americans who can only speak one language at a time...I understand the English language just enough to make you look stupid...P. S. I was calling you a cockrach...You AssClown...We can do this ALL nite WillNGrace...Your Turn.END
Current Republican Presidential Candidates

Mitt Romney – Has to explain RomneyCare
Herman Cain – 9-9-9 will be his 6-6-6
Rick Perry – Campaign on Life Support
Michelle Bachman – Should Vacation w/ Sarah Palin
Jon Huntsman – No Supporters
Rick Santorum – Rick Who???
Newt Gingrich – Campaigning for VP
Ron Paul – Unelectable
you post crap in our torrents for Y E A R S, because we matter.

No one here could give a shit about the oppositions opinions, but you waste Y E A R S whining on TPB about Rush.

Yet you contribute no content to TPB. Nice to see you so affected, that Rush makes you dance like a simpleton.

"Browse trickdaddy0024
Your search did not match any torrents."
"Yet you contribute no content to TPB. Nice to see you so affected, that Rush makes you dance like a simpleton." said WillNGrace LOL...I contribute nothing? Take a quick search of the ppl commenting on your torrent and see what they've uploaded....

Your search did not match any torrents.

Your search did not match any torrents.

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Your search did not match any torrents.

Your search did not match any torrents.

Your search did not match any torrents.

Hmmm maybe you just like these guys better?!?